Polish Support Center for Culture in Ukraine
Each war wreaks havoc. What is most precious for us can perish in one moment – the loved ones, homes, and a sense of security. War destroys the wealth worked out by generations and ruins plans for the future. War has its tragic effects also in the sphere that shapes national identity - culture. Unique heritage of Ukraine vanishes before our eyes as a result of the Russian agression. The losses inflicted in this area are irreparable. Poland understands very well what the loss of cultural heritage means – wars of the past century have deprived us of historic architecture, art collections, libraries and archives. The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, noticing a change in Russia's military strategy shifting to the destruction of civilian facilities, decided to establish a special unit tasked to help Ukraine in this area. The Support Center for Culture in Ukraine was established to coordinate both domestic and foreign initiatives to save the cultural heritage of our close neighbor. Centrum Pomocy dla Kultury na Ukrainie was established to coordinate both domestic and foreign initiatives to save the cultural heritage of our close neighbor
We encourage everyone who understands the importance and value of the national heritage to support this initiative.
"Heritage is the memory of generations"
What is our work?
From the first days of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage has been organizing assistance to Ukrainian cultural institutions and their staff who are involved in safeguarding activities. So far, numerous transports of fire-fighting equipment and materials necessary to protect the collections were organized and succesfully delivered to Ukraine. Further deliveries are organized in accordance with verified needs. Every day, Poland coordinates material support for Ukrainian cultural institutions that flows in from all over the world.
Who we are?
Centrum Pomocy dla Kultury na Ukrainie operates within the structure of the National Institute of Cultural Heritage (NID) - an institution with more than 60 years of experience in cultural heritage research and protection.
A dedicated team within the Support Center for Culture in Ukraine cooperates with the members of a task force at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, monitors and analyzes threats to cultural heritage. As established by the order of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage of February 23, 2022, the task of the Center is to coordinate support to save the Ukrainian cultural heritage threatened by hostilities.
Our team
The Staff of the Support Center for Culture in Ukraine coordinates activities aimed at the protection of monuments in Ukraine.
If you wish to get engaged or obtain more information please contact us via: ukraina@nid.pl
Więcej informacji na stronie: Centrum Pomocy dla Kultury na Ukrainie / Polish Support Center for Culture in Ukraine
"The Warsaw Recommendation on Recovery and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage" "The Warsaw Recommendation on Recovery and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage" was created at the conference "The challenges of World Heritage recovery. International conference on reconstruction" in 2018. The document contains the most important principles concerning the reconstruction of damaged cultural objects. The recommendation was created with the participation of UNESCO, ICOMOS, ICCROM, UNISDR, the World Bank, the Global Alliance for Urban Crises and representatives from all regions of the world. The Ukrainian edition of the Warsaw Recommendation is now available and will support the work on recovery of cultural heritage destroyed as a result of Russian aggression.
Saving Ukraine’s culture. Polish Support Center for Culture i Ukraine. Activity report February 2022 – December 2022
Raport pod tytułem „Zachować dziedzictwo Ukrainy” powstał jako podsumowanie działań prowadzonych przez Centrum Pomocy dla Kultury na Ukrainie.
Raport został napisany w języku angielskim i jest jednym z pierwszych opracowań, które przedstawia w sposób kompleksowy problematykę zniszczeń dziedzictwa kulturowego i wskazuje na konieczność podjęcia działań przez wspólnotę międzynarodową w celu skuteczniejszej ochrony kultury w czasie konfliktu zbrojnego.
Więcej informacji na stronie ukraina.nid.pl
Ocalić dziedzictwo Ukrainy. Raport Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa – Centrum Pomocy dla Kultury na Ukrainie
Raport z działalności Centrum Pomocy dla Kultury na Ukrainie pod tytułem “Ocalić dziedzictwo Ukrainy” to podsumowanie działań własnych w latach 2022 i 2023 oraz innych instytucji i placówek podległych Ministerstwu Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.
Więcej informacji na stronie ukraina.nid.pl
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